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No one knows the man behind Rammer's mask. But they know he's the man you call when you want revenge. Four scenes about revenge and sexual submission so hot they're scary.Mr. Brutus:He wakes up locked in a filthy room. Rammer's masked face appears on a TV screen in the corner of the room. Mr. Brutus was a very nasty boss, according to his former assistant, Zackary Pierce, who can't wait to give him the most degrading revenge fuck of his life.Mr. White (Todd Maxwell)He wakes up and learns that Ricky Martinez and Danger hold the antidote to the poison he's been injected with. A hateful racist, if he wants to live, he's going to have to submit to them ... in the sling.Mr. Sellers (Jake Dakota)A selfish lover, Mr. Sellers only cared about himself and his own needs. For his freedom, he must submit to every sexual whim of Scott Swann.The Final Orgy (Tim Towers, Austin Edwards, Jake Nashwood, and Brad Star)Four notorious homophobes will never be the same when they come face-to-face with Rammer, who's got some sick tricks up his sleeve.

Duration: 95 minutes

Directed by: John Bruno 
Studio: Mustang Falcon Falcon Studios Group 

Watch these pornstars in Rammer :
 • Danger  • Nick Horn  • Austin Edwards  • Ricky Martinez  • Jake Nashwood  • Scott Swann  • Tim Towers  • Dividian  • Zackary Pierce  • Jake Dakota  • Todd Maxwell  • Brad Star


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