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Idol Eyes

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Idol Eyes

The megawatt superstar in one of his most popular flicks. Ostensibly Idol's "first" gay experience, this is actually not the killer flick you would think it would be. Truth be told, I was kinda disappointed. Idol does look absolutely amazing here (I think I jacked off thinking about that cover picture of him several hundred times) and the production design is top-notch. Overall it's just... I dunno... weak.The thin story has Ryan as a lifeguard of sorts, and his smooth and muscled tone suits him perfectly for the role. There are several scenes that are really memorable, but the "big scenes" featuring Ryan are not all that. His first scene (out of two that he appears in) is a solo - a good one, but a solo nonetheless. The big payoff supposedly comes when he finally gets his beefy hands on Superbottomslut Stefano. Only problem: it ain't Ryan's dick going in Joey's hole. Can you say "stunt cock"? Oh well...We're probably being a little too generous with our star rating here, as the film overall feels more like a "two-and-a-halfer" (despite the star power of the cast), but the production itself is so top-notch, and some of the other scenes do really work, so... what the fuck, right?

Duration: 79 minutes

Directed by: Matt Sterling 
Studio: Falcon Falcon Studios Group 

Watch these pornstars in Idol Eyes :
 • Matt Gunther  • Buck Tanner  • Ryan Idol  • Steven Gibson  • Chris Stone  • Rick Racer  • Joey Stefano  • Michael White


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