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Strange Places Strange Things

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Strange Places Strange Things

Impossible sex... improbable locations! It's always happening all around you. Unexpected and raw, man-to-man sex in the most unlikely places! And those hot Eagle Express guys, Scott Taylor and Rydar Hanson, are in the thick of it. You've never seen anything like this before, and you'll never see anything like it again. They do it high up... they do it underground... they do it with pumps... and now, for the first time on video, a duo self-sucking. Seein' is believin'!

Duration: 87 minutes

Directed by: Al Parker 
Studio: Bijou Pictures Surge Studio 

Watch these pornstars in Strange Places Strange Things :
 • Ivan (Bijou)  • Scott Taylor  • Rydar Hanson  • Melchor


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