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Spanish Harlem Knights

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Spanish Harlem Knights

Rough background shots of the city skyline it's streets and subways support the crude cruel ambience and lifestyle of the Big Apple's drifting, unsettled Latin youth. As for Spanish Harlem Knights, forskin quotient, the only place I can think of where you might possibly find more foreskin than this... is in a steambath in San Juan itself...

Duration: 108 minutes

Studio: Bijou Pictures Latino Fan Club 

Watch these pornstars in Spanish Harlem Knights :
 • Angelina Cortez  • Brian Brennan  • M. Vic Mann  • Valentino  • Diabolito  • Tony Vanilla  • Jorge Fuentes  • Jose Pelos  • Macho  • Freddy Mack  • Paco Ruiz  • Tony Reyes  • Joey Diaz  • Tony Fontana  • TJ Colon  • Flaco Cabezon  • Rico Suave  • Julio Nieves


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