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Fresh Outta High School

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Fresh Outta High School

You know what they say, if there's grass on the field, play ball! These five sassy sweethearts have no idea what's coming to them as we take them on the long hard journey to becoming women. Mike Adriano gets his German soldier blazing and firing inside Franchezca and Jeanie Marie. Then he teams up with Steve French and takes Tia and Tiffany on Pee-Wee's big bone adventure which includes a nice jizz-lobbing in the cranium. So sit back and enjoy our showcase of hot and sexy girls just the way you like them, fresh, young, and aged just over eighteen!

Duration: 148 minutes
From the series: Fresh Outta High School
Directed by: Mike Adriano Greg Lansky 
Studio: Digital Sin 

Watch these pornstars in Fresh Outta High School :
 • Mike Adriano  • Tiffany Rayne  • Harmony Rose  • Mia Rose  • Tia Tanaka  • Jeanie Marie Sullivan  • Ava Rose  • Erik Everhard  • Franchezca Valentina  • Steven French  • Sascha


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