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How To Perform CBT

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How To Perform CBT

"How to perform CBT" shows to how to push the limits of your partners man shaft, in the safety and comfort of your own home. Hosted by world renowned Mistress Kelly and her assistant Lexi, you'll learn how to hurt him in just the right way that you'll both be crying in ecstasy. So pop open those text books, cause class is now in session.From the first pictures on cave walls to the sculptures of Michael Angelo, humanity has always held a fascination with that most prized member of the male anatomy. And what the abundance of sexual adventurers has found is that it can be use for much more than most can come up with on their wedding night!

Duration: 70 minutes
From the series: How To... - OSK Educational Series

Studio: OSK Productions Inc. 

Watch these pornstars in How To Perform CBT :
 • Maxwell Schmart  • Lexi  • Kelly


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