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Mercenaries...At Last, The Unthinkable

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Mercenaries...At Last, The Unthinkable

Is it the money, the obligation of being an actor capable of playing any role, or is it the fascination of trying something totally forbidden...that will drive STRAIGHT MEN to cast aside the pleasures of straight sex for the pleasures of gay sex? Whatever the reason, the hard and hardbodied men of Barracks 69 obviously loved pulling out their long tools and sharing the pleasure of their fellow soldiers. MERCENARIES have always been soldiers of fortune, and the "fortune" here is being stationed with a handsome bunch of horny straight gays who can't get enough of each other's cocks.

Duration: 112 minutes

Directed by: Jean Noel Rene' Clair 
Studio: French Connection JNRC 

Watch these pornstars in Mercenaries...At Last, The Unthinkable :
 • Ronaldo Pacard  • Henri Celeste  • Hans Poulet  • Marc Cordet  • Pierre Peret  • Jimmy (French Conn.)  • Filo Pascal  • Renee Merci  • Phillipe Senet


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