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French Twinks 2: Casting

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French Twinks 2: Casting

The first casting test is verbal or shall we say oral for these men. They'll have to take on the "big piston" of the photographer and show what they can do. Whether they have small or virgin asses, they are about to be stretched!

Duration: 105 minutes
From the series: French Twinks
Directed by: Martial Amaury 
Studio: Comme Des Anges Productions 

Watch these pornstars in French Twinks 2: Casting :
 • Alain  • Boris  • Sebastien  • Alexandre  • Fabien  • Mehdi  • Olivier  • Tristan  • Adrien  • David  • Renaud  • Wadeck  • Loic  • Thibault  • Thomas  • Christian (m)  • Gregoire  • Jeremy  • Vincent


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