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Maid In Heaven

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Maid In Heaven

He has fantasized about having his own personal maid for what seemed to be a lifetime. But he lives in a single room apartment in the big city. His meager means provide him no chances in life. So his dream ends as a fantasy. But, you never know what will happen in life. One day, a voluptuous maid appeared in front of him. She was his long time friend, and she was looking hotter than ever. Years ago, he told her of how he fantasized about the companionship of a maid, and she believed his words. Now, she would come back as a gorgeous maid, and revel to is her life long lust for him. Accepting her wishes to become his, he would begin his dream life. Now his days and nights are wilder than he could have ever imagined. He had no idea what a dirty girl she had become.

Duration: 27 minutes
From the series: Maid In Heaven
Directed by: Kurige Katsura 
Studio: Adult Source Media 


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