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Two young women won't be home on time tonight. and when they do get home, they won't be the same. Ever! You see... The thugs of the wicked Domme have abducted them. Mistress Seaka is the dreaded Mistress who satisfies her dark desires by tormenting beautiful females. Better hope you don't catch her eye, you could be her next meal. The Mistress does not accept the word "no" or the idea that she can't have what she wants. She lives to fulfill her dark desires, and she has the means to do it. The streets are her supermarkets, and the Dungeon is her kitchen. Join us in the Dungeon as we watch her tormenting two beautiful young women, stripped and bound together. Feel their fright and helplessness as the Mistress binds them taunt and exposed. Against her will and under penalty of "pain of the whip" the one girl is made to torment her girlfriend and pleasure her as well. Listen as the Blonde cries and begs for mercy as she is hung on the rack spread eagle, punished with intense tickling, whipped, bitten, sucked on and finally made to have the wettest orgasm we've ever seen. Are the tears and cries for mercy real? You decide.

Duration: 58 minutes

Studio: Centerline Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Abducted :
 • DungeonMaster  • Seaka


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