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Mia Beck Teen Pantyhose 2

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Mia Beck Teen Pantyhose 2

"Hey you fucking bastard, did you miss me?" 20-year-old Mia Beck asks as she struts into the room in her black business suit and black sheer to the waist pantyhose. "Stroke that cock motherfucker!" she commands as she spreads her legs wide and pounds her fist onto her cotton panel. She strips down to just her pantyhose and black bra to stand over you and plunges her hand inside the hose. Then she grabs the camera and jams the lens inside the hose and onto her wet little pussy. The hose slide down her legs and over your face. Hot! Next, Mia sits on the couch, legs spread as her pleated skirt rides up as she pumps her little fist onto the sheer crotch of her tan pantyhose telling you to cum for her 20 more times! She slides off her red pumps and tells you to cum on her silky nylon toes. She strips for you down to the pantyhose; she grabs the camera and spreads her pussy under the hose and places the lens inches from it. "You want to come all over that you dumb motherfucker!" Mia belittles you because she thinks you're a worthless piece of shit. Hose off, she plunges her finder inside her wet snatch and tastes her own juices. 3rd scene, Mia shows you black control top pantyhose and an 8-inch strap-on cock. She squeezes it into your face and tells you how she wants to violate you with it. She takes off the cock and pumps her fist from under the pantyhose and tells you to cum now, right fucking now! You are drained, humiliated and abused and love it!

Duration: 64 minutes
From the series: Mia Beck Teen Pantyhose


Watch these pornstars in Mia Beck Teen Pantyhose 2 :
 • Mia Beck


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