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Wake-Up Lazy Slaves

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Wake-Up Lazy Slaves

Madame Christine has caught a bunch of lazy drunk slaves sleeping on her leather sofa. She immediately starts with corrective punishment of these disobedient creatures. Slaves must serve as human sofa and sitting pillows for the noble body of their Owner. Any mistake in performance is rewarded by more whipping and hard face slaps. Slaves are crying more and more but there is no mercy. Their complaints make Madame Christine even more angry. She whips those poor slaves on their palms and nipples and then kicks their cocks and balls very hard. Furthermore, slaves must also serve as a human carpet and endure Madames painful dance in Her sharp high heeled shoes on their backs and asses.

Duration: 46 minutes

Directed by: Radium 
Studio: Christart Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Wake-Up Lazy Slaves :
 • Madame Christine


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