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Dominating Dicks

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Dominating Dicks

If you like your studs big and burly, hard-packed, muscles-bound, big dicked and always ready with a hard-on, then Dominating Dicks is just for you! At his gold plus we've handpicked 7 sizzling scenes of man-missles launched into willing butt-silos and crammed them on one XXX-plosive tape just for you! These are the kinds of studs that give you an order, and you obey! That includes getting on your knees and worshipping at the altar of their huge cocks, or bending over while saying, "Please!" So don't miss out on this red hot action... that's an order!

Duration: 113 minutes

Studio: HIS Video 

Watch these pornstars in Dominating Dicks :
 • Danny Sommers  • Zef Ryan  • Cougar Cash  • Dex Westin  • Joe Styles  • Rod Garretto  • Scott Neely  • Brett Ford  • Sean Carrera


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