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Kasarna Bi The Road

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Kasarna Bi The Road

Once again, international film maker William Higgins has fashioned another free-wheeling grand tour through the erotic world of Eastern Europe, where anything goes! In KASARNA BI THE ROAD, his first bi-sexual film since the hugely popular INN BI THE ROAD, he takes us into the secret world of the military base ("kasarna" in Czech) and reveals a whole new meaning to the phrase "military service." From its opening scene, a physical exam in the infirmary, to the hour-long orgy finale with the camp's nurses, every uniform fantasy you can imagine is brought to life by a handsome cast of sexually uninhibited Czechs. In this man's army, the object of one's affection is not limited to the opposite sex -- or to the same sex, for that matter. And when there are not enough women to go around, these raw recruits are just as happy to lend each other a helping hand and release their built-up tensions by making love not war. With a cast that includes four dazzling newcomers and a host of familiar favorites, KASARNA BI THE ROAD captures no-holds-barred sexplay where a hot partner, no matter which sex, is just the thing for building morale and bonding these hot young soldiers into a buddy brigade.

Duration: 120 minutes

Directed by: William Higgins 
Studio: William Higgins 

Watch these pornstars in Kasarna Bi The Road :
 • Richard Hrosik  • Mylan Forman  • Jirka Kalvoda  • Pavel Korsakov  • Martin Pravda  • Ferda Lewak  • Honza Vostry  • Jana Tisova  • Zdeno Reif  • Jan Munzar  • El Greco  • Lenka Husova  • Natalia Svetla  • Ivo Skala  • Ema Horova  • Ales Hanak  • Ivana Malacova  • Vilem Zeman  • Libor Taborsky  • Andel


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