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Extreme Penetrations 8

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Extreme Penetrations 8

Trina gets invited to a picnic she will never forget. What girl doesn't love a fine spread of dildos on a picnic blanket in the park. Sipping wine and having massive rubber dongs fill all her holes as her dates shove their flesh torpedoes into her is a great way to spend a sunny day! Alex gets to be a guest on a cooking show where the host is cooking up some dildos to shove in her ass. There's fun for all as her probes her orifices with glass olive jars and other inviting kitchen utensils! One day while out on the range, a golfer came across a whore on the back nine. Taking the unforgiving terrain into mind, he uses golf logic and technique to pry open all of her holes with his clubs and cock with the help of a very resourceful caddie. Firefighters rush into a smoldering house to save a girl, then figure all she needs is a thorough probing with cocks and fire fighting tools. This little firebug won't be starting any fires soon!

Duration: 87 minutes
From the series: Extreme Penetrations
Directed by: Jim Powers 
Studio: Notorious 

Watch these pornstars in Extreme Penetrations 8 :
 • Jazzy Belle  • Moxie Madden  • Alex Devine  • Trina Michaels


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