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Ticklish Dolls

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Ticklish Dolls

Kat and Regan are late in paying their rent and are about to be thrown out till the landlord comes up with a way for them to pay back the rent, though the 2 girls now find themselves in a very ticklish situation. Next Lizzy is trapped in the foot lock and now must be tickled for a bet she lost. Brook, likes being tickled on her feet by her boyfriend as it's both sensual and ticklish for her at the same time. But when her roommate tries tickling her, she finds several ticklish spots that are too ticklish for her to take. Last but not least, we have Tomiko who is giving her boyfriend a special present, since she has no money for a present she is going to allow her boyfriend to tickle her crazy without complaining (too much anyway). Little does she know the tickle punishment she will have to endure.

Duration: 52 minutes

Studio: Ace Foot Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Ticklish Dolls :
 • Brooke (f)  • Tomiko  • Lizzy  • Regan  • Kat (II)


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