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Camp Afton Nills

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Camp Afton Nills

Welcome to a new line from Afton Nills. The guys are all having a sleep over at Camp Afton Nills, sharing stories of some of their sexual encounters. First up is Johnny with his story about him and his buddy last year at summer camp. This first scene starts off with two hot 19 year old newcomers, Mike Styles and Johnny Roark. Johnny shows Mike some footage he shot of his friend jerking off in the woods. Mike picks up the camera with an idea, to film each other. The mine's bigger then yours scenario leads to some cock sucking. "You ever butt fucked before" Johnny asks Mike. Mike, being the virgin he is, says no but is willing to give it a try. They lube up Johnny's 8.5" hard cock and Mike rides it cowboy style until he blows his load all over his buddy's chest. Mike lies down and Johnny kneels over Mike and blows one of the biggest, hottest cum shots we've captured to date covering Mike's chest and stomach.

Duration: 88 minutes
From the series: Camp Afton Nills
Directed by: Afton Nills 
Studio: Xtreme Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Camp Afton Nills :
 • Tory Mason  • Blaze Corgan  • Johnny Roark  • Turk Melrose  • Winter Vance


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