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French Connections 2: Conquest

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French Connections 2: Conquest

Falcon Studios invites you to France! An epic film adventure shot in beautiful scenic locations throughout France and featuring the hottest Falcon Exclusives and International Cast ever assembled! This is Part Two of a must-see double-feature!This series boasts non-stop action! The hottest sex-scenes imaginable, plus tenderness that will move you at the highest emotional level. This series is so hot you'll be unable to resist the savage need to be there yourself.

Duration: 80 minutes
From the series: French Connections
Directed by: John Rutherford 
Studio: Falcon Falcon Studios Group 

Watch these pornstars in French Connections 2: Conquest :
 • Colby Taylor  • Drew Damon  • Luc Jarret  • Eric Hanson  • Christopher Scott  • Brennan Foster


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