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Side-By-Side 6: Mitch Sucks Rick

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Side-By-Side 6: Mitch Sucks Rick

Once the boys are nude and Mandy gets them to do some ass-posing shots, they head down the hall to the shower (in the health club which allows us to shoot when they are closed). Mitch and Rich shower each other off, lots of soaping each other up, touching, and joking around. Mandy directs the boys into many positions, including the "reach-over" (touching each others' cocks), and Mitch going down on Rich. Rich is very relaxed about this, much more so than in his previous video. He's clearly getting warmed up to going further on video - which you will see in future Side-By-Side volumes

Duration: 96 minutes
From the series: Side By Side
Directed by: Mandy Goodhandy 
Studio: Mayhem North Production 


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