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Bondage Fantasy: Bitch In Training

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Bondage Fantasy: Bitch In Training

After a couple of years of off an on chatting with Jaxon, he was looking to cum back to Naughtyboyz and explore some of his hottest fantasy's with everybody! What a bad boy he was for not telling us! Anyway the video starts off with Jaxon and I getting together over at my dads house. My dad has a big attic and I figured this would b e the perfect spot to start off the video. Especially because I could tie him up to the rafters and do some exploring on this boy. So we start off talking in general about what exactly his Bondage Fantasy's were in more detail. He explains that his biggest turn on was to be restrained and to be use for whatever sexual act that that his "Master" wanted...hmmmm sweet! After sharing all this info, my nuts were definitely swelling up and were ready for some action! I explained to him that he would have to do whatever I told him to do and to do it exactly the way I directed! I also called up a friend of mine "Brandon to come over and help out on his formal training! Brandon is a 20 year old aggressive top with a 8" thick piece of meat that is rock hard 24/7 So let the bitch training begin!

Duration: 98 minutes
From the series: Bondage Fantasy

Studio: Naughtyboyz Amateur Videos 

Watch these pornstars in Bondage Fantasy: Bitch In Training :
 • Jaxon  • Brandon  • Justin


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