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What Pigs Do Best

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What Pigs Do Best

Donnie and his little piggies like to eat ass, guzzle some piss, suck on feet, sit on monster dildos, get a fist or two up their butts, slobber on a dick, get hard raw cock up their holes...and a foot or two also. Two very hot 3-ways, and an incredible scene with Donnie getting abused by a nasty captor...he gets eggs smashed on him and covered in everything from ketchup to chocolate syrup then covered in liquid latex and made to take a big dildo...all framed by a very unusual scene with Donnie and Jeremy and a big roast ham! mmmmmm...pig... the other white meat.

Duration: 88 minutes

Directed by: Donnie Russo Frank Ross 
Studio: 3rd World Video 

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 • Bradley Scott  • Jeremy Michaels  • Paul Douglas  • Wayne Rogers  • Sean Rielly  • Donnie Russo  • Paulie Romanelli  • Brian-Mark  • Justin Kage


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