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Paul Spankman Is Born

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Paul Spankman Is Born

The first Mandy Goodhandy protg was a young man named Carlos Spankman, and when Carlos disappeared from the scene, we needed to find him a brother. We knew that male model Paul would be able to fit the shoes of Carlos Spankman, so one evening, myself, Mandy Goodhandy, and three other male models accompanied Paul Spankman to a hotel room to make this video. Without apologizing (because I love the video), I am telling you that this video is not for the porn traditionalist. It is unusual and odd and a mix of eroticism, surrealism, and comedy. It is as real as it gets, because though Paul is learning to play his new character, you will also see the real Paul and three hot boys just hanging out, having fun, and being experimental. Even if you are not a spanking fetishist, you should find the video entertaining, if you keep an open mind.

Duration: 79 minutes

Directed by: Mandy Goodhandy 
Studio: Mayhem North Production 


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