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The Modeling Studio

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The Modeling Studio

California boasts the worlds largest population of beautiful would be stars and top models. Theyre all waiting for the break that will catapult them to the top. Some will make itmost will not. But everyday scores of pretty women turn up at the studios door to audition. In most cases, in order to succeed they must get past at least one major hurdle the auditioning couch! And there are a lot of couches in the studio network. There are also a lot of girls who are willing to lay on them for a chance at the big-time.

Duration: 80 minutes

Directed by: Michael Cates 
Studio: VCX Ltd Inc 

Watch these pornstars in The Modeling Studio :
 • Laura Lee  • Ginger Lynn  • Marilyn  • Erica Boyer  • Trig Rome  • Marc Wallice  • Greg Rome  • Kristie Mann  • Steve Drake  • Steve Powers  • Tom Byron  • Heather Wayne


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