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Watch "Plexus" right away using PayPerView streaming media VOD!


Gathers together the hottest men alive on earth and throws them into a steamy menagerie of sweaty sexual filth that must be seen. These actors, each carefully selected and screened to make sure that they had what it takes, are over-the-top exhibitionists who get off on performing for you and the camera. Sure, they have huge cocks up their asses and down their throats, but you can tell in their eyes that what they really enjoy is getting you off.

Duration: 90 minutes

Directed by: Chris Ward 
Studio: Raging Stallion Studios Fisting Central Falcon Studios Group 

Watch these pornstars in Plexus :
 • Michael Vincenzo  • Jerek  • Brendan Austin  • Lance Gear  • Alex Steele  • Tony Serrano  • Shane Rollins


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