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L'Etudiante Infirmiere

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L'Etudiante Infirmiere

Intensive care: aware that common medicine won't help, a pretty blonde gives her patient a very special massage of the penis which is so effective that the mended cock ends up drilling everyone of our nurse's holes! Resurrection: after being pronounced dead, a man recovers when he sees a doctor sodomising a nurse before his very own eyes. Very soon our beautiful girl is enjoying two dicks at once! Lesbian research: two beautiful medical researchers are having one hell of a fun time in their laboratory with a huge dildo harness. Lewd conduct: having happily thrown the Hippocratic Oath in the bin, two male doctors decide to take very special care of their pretty assistant. To their surprise, the girl will fulfill every one of their perverse desires. Surprise: nurses fantasize over two hot young patients who are apparently asleep. Soon enough, both of our accomplices are all over the nurses giving them what they had hoped for and so much more.

Duration: 100 minutes

Directed by: Herve Bodilis 
Studio: Marc Dorcel 

Watch these pornstars in L'Etudiante Infirmiere :
 • Ellen Saint  • Julie Silver  • Alain Deloin  • Thomas Stone  • George Reno  • James Brossman  • Judy White


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