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Harcelement Au Feminin

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Harcelement Au Feminin

While on the terrace, having a cup of coffee Steve glances around and notices a superbly attractive woman, Laura who returns his provocative stare teasingly. Steve is disturbed by this, as it tests the sexual attraction he has for his wife. Laura bursts into Steves car where she teases him until he gets hard and then refuses him. Steve coaxes her until he believes he has finally succeeded but he is wrong, Laura will only agree to be with him if he subjects to her particularly perverse conditions

Duration: 96 minutes

Directed by: Alain Payet 
Studio: Marc Dorcel 

Watch these pornstars in Harcelement Au Feminin :
 • Johnny T.  • Laura Angel  • Angela Tiger  • Steve Holmes  • Angel Paris  • Coralie  • Bob Dinero  • Melissa  • Elena Nikulina  • Roberto Malone  • Melissa Ickx  • Ken Furio  • Lea Grendick  • Lory'l  • Illona  • Alban Ceray  • Kevin Long  • Sebastian Barrio


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