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Late Nite

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Late Nite

Most of the action that we have filmed with straight boys happens in the wee hours of the night and early morning. Guess that's when a straight guy's hormones rage the best. We've had some wild stuff happen here in the office with some sexy, horny guys and this video, Late Night with Doug & Jay chronicles some of the sizzling, cum-filled adventures we've had! If you love straight guy seduction films this one's for you! As always our films are unplanned and unrehearsed. We just let the guys do their thing and often that "thing" includes us lending a helping hand or mouth! You just won't believe all the hot action in this video! Jeremy, Brock, Damian, "X", Nathan, Brandon and Ben join Doug and Jay in the first in this series. Hold on tight cuz this video will rock your world!

Duration: 123 minutes

Directed by: Doug and Jay 
Studio: AmateurStraightGuys 

Watch these pornstars in Late Nite :
 • Jeremy  • Jay  • Doug  • Brock  • Brandon  • Nathan  • Ben  • Damian


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