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Elizabeth's friend Hannah has come for a visit. The two have not seen each other for ten years and have a lot of catching up to do, so imagine Elizabeth's surprise when she overhears Hannah speaking in hushed tones about the death of someone named Zelda. Elizabeth's mind takes over. In her mind, Hannah is now Zelda, a stripper in New Orleans, or a wild lesbian in a tryst with a jealous club owner, or anything she dreams her to be, and what's even stranger than the fantasy is the reality. You can run, but you can't hide.

Duration: 76 minutes

Directed by: Toni English 
Studio: Vivid Entertainment 

Watch these pornstars in Smokescreen :
 • Kirsty Waay  • Steven St. Croix  • Alex Sanders  • Marc Wallice  • Nicole London  • Jenteal  • Missy  • Melissa Hill


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