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Crack Whore

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Crack Whore

My wife Babs meets up with this black stud and he promises her that if she will come to his hotel room and entertain a few of his friends, he will give her enough money to get her next fix. They throw her on the bed and put their cocks down her throat till she is gagging. As she tries to catch her breath, tears are running down her face. She knows she will have to take the abuse from them if she is going to get that high she needs. She catches her breath and tells them she will do anything for the rock and to do whatever they want with her. They are relentless with the abuse they give out. By the end of the night, her pussy is gaping with cum running down her legs. Her face is left in a mess with dried cum and smeared makeup they throw her out of the room with enough money to get the rock. She is walking down the hall and hears them laughing calling her a stupid crack whore.

Duration: 44 minutes

Directed by: Babs 
Studio: Babs Video Production 

Watch these pornstars in Crack Whore :
 • Babs


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