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Club Amateur USA 12: Big Daddy, Matt And Nina And Flint

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Club Amateur USA 12: Big Daddy, Matt And Nina And Flint

When we first met with Big Daddy, we knew that working with him would be a hoot and a half, and as you'll see from a few moments in today's update video, that he is. Big Daddy is married, but looking to explore his sexuality. After Matt's first video shoot with us, we wanted to work with him again. When he showed up, I pulled him aside to discuss what we were hoping to shoot and if he was comfortable with receptive anal. Well, come to find out, Matt wasn't completely up front with us during our initial interview. He wanted to work with us a bit and make sure that he was comfortable before admitting that he thoroughly enjoys being on bottom. So, I was thrilled to hear this -- knowing that we were about to shoot a hot video with Matt, Big Daddy, and Nina. She has been in the business for a while and is great to work with. Nina knows how to really drive the guys too much more sexual interaction on video than they originally planned on. She also brought along her bag of toys, and Big Daddy got to do a little bottoming, himself. This is a scorcher. We hope you enjoy! After Damon's massage, I didn't believe that another guy could top that experience. Damn, was I wrong! I had zero expectation that Flint's video would be what it was. Guess it really is the shy, quiet types who always knock your socks off. Flint obviously started getting into it while he was laying "face down - head in the donut," 'cause when he turned over, his dick was rarin' to go. It didn't take long for him to just let go and let it happen. Moaning, thrusting, stroking, panting, and just about any other "ing" you can think of, Flint had it going on. Overall, this was a pretty intense sexual situation. So, grab that cum...uhm...beach towel and enjoy Flint's debut video. Oh, and pay attention to his directions to me, and you'll soon know Flint's secret pleasure spot!

Duration: 92 minutes
From the series: Club



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