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Dynastud 2: Powerhouse

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Dynastud 2: Powerhouse

First there was Dynastud. Now history repeats itself with Dynastud 2. In this sizzling sequel, Steven Carrington sinks his fortune into a movie studio, and produces a string of unforgettable male epics. Steven goes over the top as he leaves no sexual stone unturned in his quest to make the ultimate flick, and ends up in a futuristic finale unlike anything you've ever witnessed....

Duration: 82 minutes
From the series: Dynastud
Directed by: Scott Hansen 
Studio: HIS Video 

Watch these pornstars in Dynastud 2: Powerhouse :
 • Tim Barnett  • Scott Davis  • Blade Thompson  • Rick Donovan  • Clint Benedict  • Karl Radford  • Tanner Reeves


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