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The American Cocksucking Championship 2

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The American Cocksucking Championship 2

Back by popular demand, the Pussyman brings you the special event between the afro-American superstar and the pint-sized blonde cocksucking expert Anastasia. Watch them swallow, deep throat, and push over 120 inches of rock hard cock till they turn blue. World Class Cocksucking! Semifinalists Bridgette and the Russian sword swallower Czarina are another example of cocksucking at its finest! Anastasia has no problem with swallowing all of Big Jack's monstrous 16 inches, a sight only Pussyman can deliver.

Duration: 78 minutes
From the series: American Cocksucking Championship
Directed by: David Pussyman Christopher 
Studio: Pussyman 

Watch these pornstars in The American Cocksucking Championship 2 :
 • Anastasia Blue  • Midori  • Chris Cannon  • Dave Hardman  • Pussyman  • Mark Anthony  • Jack Napier  • Bridgette Kerkove  • Zarina  • Skeeter Kerkove  • Tony Eveready  • Guy DiSilva  • Kyle Stone  • Brandon Iron


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