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Mayhem Virgin Sex

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Mayhem Virgin Sex

Clark is a horny little bisexual boy who lives a double life. He has a wife and fulfilled some of his desires by working as a cyber-sex model and occasional stripper, claiming it was 'for the money'. But he made daily advances towards Marcos, a gorgeous bodybuilder. I finally said, 'OK boys, let's deal with this desire and shoot a sex video.' Clark had never been fucked, and wanted to experience it. I told Marcos he was the boss, and that he should have a bit of a playful battle for power with Clark first, make him work for the privilege of getting his cock.This video is Mayhem North's most hardcore shoot to date, and very hot, because there is REAL chemistry between the guys. Marcos just moved to Canada 6 months ago, and said he had still never fucked a boy up the ass. Marshall and Paul:Marshall and Paul met each other working at the Lounge (a strip club). Marshall has dabbled a little with men, but up until now he's never been fucked (other than with a toy). He's also always been very resistant to the idea of kissing or sucking cock. I sensed there was some sort of chemistry between Marshall and Paul, (who is very bisexual), so we paired them up one night and gave them very little direction, other than to say 'Paul, you're in charge' and 'Make it hot'. The scene starts in the living room, where the guys sit nervously on a couch side-by-side. I didn't want the phony acting thing, so I told them just to be themselves, chat a bit about the day, and see where things went. Soon enough, Paul leans over and kisses Marshall. In the bedroom, Paul gets down to business pretty quick, and grabs a dildo and tells Marshall to loosen himself up. Marshall complies, and soon after, Paul is guiding his big cock up Marshall's ass. Marshall likes it, you can tell, and after a good hard fucking, Paul pulls out and cums on Marshall's ass.

Duration: 96 minutes
From the series: Mayhem Virgin Sex
Directed by: Mandy Goodhandy 
Studio: Mayhem North Production 


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