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Almost Jailbait

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Almost Jailbait

5 Scenes with 7 natural girls that are straight out of high school. Watch how Lena takes giant cook up her tiny ass. Chanel gets log slammed by 2 cocks and has over 10 orgasms in the process, 85 lb. Brook Milano gets pounded by 240 lb. Lee Stone. With over 2 hours and 20 minutes of ATMs, gapers, cum swallowing/swapping and tons of anal you won't believe these girls are almost jailbait!

Duration: 125 minutes
From the series: Almost Jailbait
Directed by: Stoney Curtis 
Studio: Lethal Hardcore 

Watch these pornstars in Almost Jailbait :
 • Andrew Andretti  • Talon  • Brooke Milano  • Naudia Nice  • Sally Rodeo  • Chanel Chavez  • Jayna Woods  • Phil Yorgash  • Brandon Iron  • Haley Paige  • Lee Stone  • Lena Juliett


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