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Summer School

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Summer School

Jamie, a virginal high school senior, says good-bye to her boyfriend and again refuses sex before leaving for a private girls boarding school. Jamie would like to join her friends sorority, but is unsure of the initiation which involves lovemaking. She witnesses teachers getting it on with students, students with janitors, students with students. Jamie learns sex is very popular in sports and has an awakening experience with a girlfriend in the shower. Now ready for her initiation, she finds out it is to involve school teacher, Professor Donahue. Jamie accepts the challenge and rehearses with the school's star football player. Jamie is a real pro with the Prof and is the master in his bedroom. Jamie becomes the head sister of her sorority, and take charge. When the principal brings up a new curfew restriction, Jamie steps into his office and leans over, very close... Now What's all this about new rules?

Duration: 73 minutes

Directed by: Godfrey Daniels 
Studio: VCX Ltd Inc 

Watch these pornstars in Summer School :
 • Lisa K. Loring  • Aaron Stuart  • Pat Manning  • Jon Martin  • Jack Amberg  • Laurien Dominique  • Ken Scudder  • R.J. Reynolds  • Sharon Kane  • Michael Johnson  • Don Fernando  • Lisa Thatcher


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