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Where do fantasy and reality collide? In dreams... In the mind... In the dreams of a demented mind? A naive, young girl, Aurora Snow, becomes immersed in a world of desire, fantasy, latex, and submission after she applies online for sexual training. The next day, she's abducted and cast into a bizarre world of fetish and anal sex, while being deprived of any form of satisfaction or pleasure. After being made to witness several deviant and perverse sex acts, the young girl is allowed to perform her own uninhibited and lewd fantasies out and the transformation is complete. It is then that she realizes that she has yearned for this twisted fantasy from the beginning and that she is the one in the mask she has fantasized about; the perfect whore, trained to satisfy and obey, and loving every second of it.

Duration: 149 minutes
From the series: Dementia
Directed by: Jim Powers 
Studio: Sin City 

Watch these pornstars in Dementia :
 • Katja Kassin  • Devlin Weed  • Steve Taylor  • Tony Tedeschi  • Trent Tesoro  • Hannah Harper  • Gia Paloma  • Brian Pumper  • Jim Powers  • Jay Ashley  • Seth Dickens  • Marco Duato  • Dwayne Cummings  • Vanessa Lane  • Aurora Snow  • Buster Good  • Alex Sanders  • Nick East


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