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Inside Desiree Cousteau

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Inside Desiree Cousteau

Young, beautiful, and innocent DESIREE enters the work to find great difficulty in keeping men disinterested in her charms. She starts out as a promising reporter when she meets Mr. Ryan, a Presidential hopeful. He gives her the scoop of her life which ends up in an unusual pool sequence! DESIREE then tries another job as a door to door saleswoman with some very unusual results when she discovers her first client, a very luscious an hot redhead. She sells all her merchandise and ends up in a mnage a trios when the husband enters. Trying to keep away from sexual encounters and to find straight work, she finds herself a job aboard a luxury yacht only to discover herself involved with two famous porno stars, Johnny Holmes and Serena.Seeing that no matter what she does ends in sexual encounters, she goes after a career in porno films and becomes an international sensation. And lives happily ever after!

Duration: 80 minutes

Directed by: Leon Gucci 
Studio: VCX Ltd Inc 

Watch these pornstars in Inside Desiree Cousteau :
 • Jesse Adams  • John Holmes  • Sue Nero  • Misty Regan  • Serena Blaquelord  • Desiree Cousteau  • Jane Lindsay  • Juliet Anderson  • John Seeman  • Sharon Kane  • Carl Regal  • Spender Travis  • Lisa K. Loring  • Kathi Adair  • Dorothy LeMay  • Michael Morrison  • Mike Horner  • Aaron Stuart


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