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Smoking Sirens

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Smoking Sirens

Good girls dont smoke. But bad girls do. That would be my friends and I. Miss Brittany Andrews your queen of all thing fetish! Not just seeing our bad girls allowing that soft blue smoke to caress there features can cause the blood to start flowing to your nether regions. You see them smoking, flirting with death, and you start to wonder just what else these bad girls do that theyre not supposed to. The whole act of smoking is an orchestra of erotic art for us. We know and understand the seductive nature of smoking and intend to ensnare you with our wiles.

Duration: 57 minutes

Directed by: Brittany Andrews 
Studio: Brittany Andrews 

Watch these pornstars in Smoking Sirens :
 • Electra (f)  • Anne Marie  • Brittany Andrews  • Porcelain Twins  • Alexandra Silk  • Missy (II)  • Alaura Eden  • Corina


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