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Catfight Club 2

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Catfight Club 2

The first Catfight Club was nominated by the AVN in Jan. 2004 for "Best Specialty" and Catfight Club 2 promises to be just as big a hit with Catfight enthusiasts. It's hard to imagine why a guy that has a job like Sleazy Bastard would ever need to go on vacation but Sleazy does just that. He leaves Taylor in charge of the Catfight Club while he's away and all hell breaks loose. Taylor continues the adventure by talking her feline fighters into starting fights for no particular reason where ever they go. Watch them rip off each others clothes and get front row seat to the hottest non-stop slapping, pubic hair pulling, spanking, pussy licking drama queens in porn! You will be surprised by what happens when you let the cameras roll for two hours and let these pussies loose on one another. Even the most innocent and shy become the most aggressive fighters when it comes to self preservation. It's a beautiful thing to see face sitting become an experience of pure ecstasy for both the winner and the loser of each battle. Cum to think of it, no one here is a loser except Sleazy who misses out on his double blow job. Who the hell is going to feel sorry for him when Taylor moves in to take up the slack and empties his sack on her gorgeous face?

Duration: 103 minutes
From the series: Catfight
Directed by: Taylor Wane 
Studio: Twane Inc 

Watch these pornstars in Catfight Club 2 :
 • Vicky Vette  • Tanya Danielle  • Taylor Wane  • Sleazy Bastard  • Smoking Mary Jane  • Summer Cummings  • Sara Jay  • Vanessa Blue  • Carly Parker


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