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Erotic Stories 2: Lovers And Cheaters

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Erotic Stories 2: Lovers And Cheaters

Master director James Avalon returns with the sequel to the original couples masterpiece. Five all new stories of desires and forbidden passion. Step beyond the safe zone and taste the fruits of what those who dare so readily enjoy. Find out what makes pushing the limits so intriguing and so erotic. Discover erotic stories.

Duration: 120 minutes
From the series: Erotic Stories
Directed by: James Avalon 
Studio: New Sensations 

Watch these pornstars in Erotic Stories 2: Lovers And Cheaters :
 • Jack Spade  • Allura Bond  • Matt Bixel  • Malorie Marx  • Jack Lawrence  • Jassie  • Kurt Lockwood  • Bobbi Eden  • Eric Masterson  • Keiko  • Andrew Andretti  • Ava Vincent  • Steven French


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