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Topless Female Boxing

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Topless Female Boxing

Fight # 1 ( Betty vs Sheena) Betty gives Sheena a real beating in this fight. Sheena the taller of the two came out swinging in the first round and scored often but from the second round on she was hammered all over the ring.Fight # 2 (Stephanie vs Suzanne) This is a completely lopsided fight from beginning to end. Stephanie is a gorgeous blond who fights like hell in the ring she showed no mercy in beating Suzanne for five brutal rounds.Fight # 3 (Kat vs. Roller Bitch) Muscular Kat plays with the Roller Bitch for a couple of rounds and then takes her out with one punch.Fight # 4 (Deja vs Obsession) This is an all out brawl until the loser takes a shot to the nose and wants no more. This fight has more action than most pro fights.Fight # 5 Topless Sumo Wrestling! Two large women go at it in a best out of five Sumo Wrestling match This was a real crowd pleaser.Fight # 6 (Chantel vs Stephanie) This is a classic! These are two gorgeous women who love to fight and can hold their own with anyone. The crowd went wild as these two pounded each other for five rounds.

Duration: 97 minutes

Studio: Bad Apple Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Topless Female Boxing :
 • Janee  • Stephanie  • Kristina  • Deja  • Roller Bitch  • Kat (II)  • Suzanne  • Chantel  • Obsession  • Sheena  • Jennifer  • Betty


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