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Kitchen Detail

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Kitchen Detail

Tobi returns from a hard day at work and unwinds with a little self-bondage! She begins with leather cuffs and a ballgag while she brews up some tea. While the pot boils, she strips out of her work clothes and parades around in her heels and pantyhose - still bound - and adds a set of bird nipple clamps to her tender flesh. She begins drying the dishes and cleaning the stove until the tea is ready, then she sits down for a brief chat on the PC. Unhappy with the way Tobi has cleaned the kitchen, SEETHER binds her in a black rope harness and harness ballgag, removing then replacing the nipple clamps on her breasts, and makes her walk around the kitchen and try to type while bound and drooling on the PC!

Duration: 55 minutes

Studio: Shadowplay Imaging 

Watch these pornstars in Kitchen Detail :
 • Tobi (Shadowplay)


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