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Gag The Fag

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Gag The Fag

I've always enjoyed watching a guy get face-fucked - especially if he's gettin' it hard and starts to gag. Will West got pummeled in just about every possible position. By the end of the scene, his face looked like a glazed donut from all of the spit, phlegm, and cum that he spewed out while his throat was being abused. Cute little Ian told me that he was willing to do almost anything to be in my movie. "Anything? I asked. "Oh yeah - anything! said Ian. "Okay Ian, how about if you hang your head upside down and let my friend throat-fuck you while I shove my camcorder in your face?" He was happy to oblige.Diego would probably best be categorized as a pig-whore. I told him not to eat anything before the shoot, but do pigs ever listen? Of course not. They're too busy oinking and thinking about their next cock. Not only did we get to see what Diego had for lunch, we also got to see part of his dessert - green Mexican candy that he ate right before the shoot. I felt like I was watching a bad sequel to the movie Alien. Is every gay flight attendant a slut? Umm...yeah. And here's another example to prove it. I found Joe online. Basically, Joe goes from city to city and lets guys use his mouth and ass. Thanks, Joe. Youre a good cum-dump.Randy wasted no time responding to my ad. This one was horny! (Or maybe just desperate for a few extra bucks...I'm not sure...) In any case, Randy gagged more than anyone in the entire movie - definitely something he can be proud of 20 years from now.

Duration: 81 minutes
From the series: Gag the Fag
Directed by: Mark Raymond 

Watch these pornstars in Gag The Fag :
 • Johan  • Steve  • Randy Summers  • Joe Bailey  • Ian Winker  • Bill Ballmore  • Will West  • Diego Santana  • Johnny Bondi  • Jeff Campbell


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