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Sweet Alice

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Sweet Alice

A lovable cowboy (Kevin James) arrives in Hollywood in search of his runaway wife (Seka). He's aided by a beautiful but no-nonsense detective (Honey Wilder) who finds out that the wife has become an X-rated film star. Their quest leads them to some of the biggest box office names in adult films and into the midst of a climatic x-rated film shoot where Alice is center stage in a revealing orgy. Sweet Alice is no longer sweet.

Duration: 83 minutes

Directed by: Adele Robbins 
Studio: VCX Ltd Inc 

Watch these pornstars in Sweet Alice :
 • Cindy Shepard  • John Holmes  • Becky Savage  • Jamie Gillis  • Bill Margold  • Kevin James  • Ken Yontz  • Lisa Thatcher  • Honey Wilder  • Paul Thomas  • Mike Eyke  • Drea  • Turk Lyon  • Jack Mason  • Seka  • Desiree Cousteau


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