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Casting Couch Cuties 13

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Casting Couch Cuties 13

This is your chance to peek behind-the-scenes at the DreamGirls World Headquarters and see an actual video test shoot. Each month, girls arrive with the desire of becoming a DreamGirls Centerfold. Because only a special kind of lady can become a DreamGirl, they must give a special kind of audition. Each audition begins by each gal getting asked all of your favorite questions: including detailed ones about sexual preferences and experiences. It doesn't take long for each gal to get talked out of their clothes. Each audition contains explicit nudity with lots of close-ups, and before the session ends, we make sure each potential DreamGirl doesn't have a problem exposing and touching herself in front of the camera! Each unedited audition is presented in its entirety so that you can truly get to know intimate secrets from each and every girl. Rhonda is a waitress and says that giving and receiving oral sex turns her on. She also admits that she loves to flash in public. Rhonda then masturbates for the cameras and a colorful glass dildo. Rhonda's truly a DreamGirl and just one of the many you'll meet in this issue of Casting Couch Cuties.

Duration: 114 minutes
From the series: Dream Girls Casting Couch Cuties

Studio: Dream Girls 

Watch these pornstars in Casting Couch Cuties 13 :
 • Michelle (Dream Girls)  • Rhonda  • Luciana  • Jamie (f)


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