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Naked Scandal 2

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Naked Scandal 2

Are you craving a juicy scandal? Well, you've found the hottest there is! Catch up with Kathy Willets as she shares the second half of the shocking saga that rocked the nation. It's a no holds barred account of the case that had Florida's legal community running for cover! From Housewife to whore, Kathy tells it like it is. So catch "Naked Scandal: Part Two". You'll be amazed what fun a girl can have with a hidden camera and a little imagination

Duration: 81 minutes
From the series: Naked Scandal
Directed by: Gabor Esterhazy 
Studio: Heatwave 

Watch these pornstars in Naked Scandal 2 :
 • Paul Coxx  • Mark Davis  • Dave Hardman  • Ron Jeremy  • Jeff Coldwater  • Menage Trois  • Wally Wharton  • Kathy Willets  • Arnold Schwartzenpecker  • Yvonne  • Taliesin  • Rick Maguire  • Stephanie DuValle  • Krista  • Vince Voyeur  • Bobby Vitale  • Nick East  • Mike Horner


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