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Great American Bondage Deception

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Great American Bondage Deception

I placed a classified ad in our local newspaper for mainstream models. A few days after the ad had ran Brooke called looking to get the job, I instantly booked some time for her. When she showed up I explained that I was in advertising and my client was a rope company out of Texas called Twisted Ropes.I further explained that they were looking for a hot girl to take some tasteful pictures with their rope. She agreed and we started shooting immediately. What she didn't know is that I made it all up just get a chance to watch her struggle when we tied her in various positions. She figured it out eventually but by then it was too late.

Duration: 57 minutes

Directed by: Chris Cramps 
Studio: Twisted Transmissions 

Watch these pornstars in Great American Bondage Deception :
 • Brooke Ballentine


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