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Enema-Spanking-Sybian Hazing for College Debutante

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Enema-Spanking-Sybian Hazing for College Debutante

Jasmine is a beautiful 18 year old brunette who looks very young, and has an innocent, yet flirtatious, laughter. She must undergo an intense hazing to join an exclusive sorority- including: enemas, expulsion into a bucket, gapes her butt, spanking/paddling, tickling, being gagged with her panties, being drenched in oil, & riding the Sybian (sex machine). This punishment is administered by the boyfriend of one of the sorority girls, and by his live-in slave, a runaway named Katia, who is 18, too. At one point, jasmine and Katia are given simultaneous side-by-side enemas. In addition to being punished, Jasmine is taught how to spank, anally probe, & give enemas to Katia.

Duration: 86 minutes

Directed by: Andre Chance 
Studio: A Wizard of Ass 

Watch these pornstars in Enema-Spanking-Sybian Hazing for College Debutante :
 • Jasmine  • Katia


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