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She-Male Strokers 5

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She-Male Strokers 5

Five hot trannies strip down and stroke off. You'll see these girls walking down the street. You'll swear they're women. But watch them go inside - when they drop their panties, you'll see it's an illusion. But it's the kind of illusion that can really get you off. These trannies get off too, just for you. They're feminine, they're beautiful, they strip, they dance, they pose, they masturbate and they cum. Why? Because they're She-Male Strokers. Starring Jennifer, Vanity, Foxxy, Passion, Wendy Williams, & Barbie Woods.

Duration: 96 minutes
From the series: She-Male Strokers

Studio: Mancini Productions 

Watch these pornstars in She-Male Strokers 5 :
 • Passion (o)  • Jennifer (o)  • Barbie Woods  • Vanity  • Wendy Williams  • TS Foxxy


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