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Please 10: Virgins And Whores

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Please 10: Virgins And Whores

Joey makes love to each girl with his camera. He knows just where to put the lens and when. Extreme close-ups alternate with wide shots in just the right rhythms. You feel like you're THERE in Joey's videos. And, he's one of the few directors that just lets the couples be themselves. Always real, natural, and inevitably erotic, the Please! line contains some of the finest work of a seasoned director at the top of his game. Check out the latest Please! It'll leave you begging for more!

Duration: 139 minutes
From the series: Joey Silvera's Let's Fuck Please
Directed by: Joey Silvera 
Studio: Evil Angel Joey Silvera Video 

Watch these pornstars in Please 10: Virgins And Whores :
 • Belladonna  • Miriam  • Sabrina  • Mariah  • Dominika  • Tavalia Griffin  • Aliyah


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